Healing the Body and Mind: The Role of Art Therapy in Processing Trauma
Trauma, whether from childhood experiences, accidents, or other life-altering events, can leave a profound imprint not only on the mind but also on the body. Often, these emotional wounds manifest physically, leading to symptoms such as tension, pain, and discomfort. This phenomenon, known as somatic or body-based trauma, occurs when the body holds onto unresolved
Letting go
When you let something go, you will come to the beautiful realization that it is you, who is set free.
Processing your emotions – what is it and how do we do that?
Why it is important for us to feel and process our emotions? We all have a subconscious tendency to avoid uncomfortable feelings, known as defense mechanisms, which can hinder our emotional processing. Although it may seem easier to dismiss our feelings or ignore them, they do not go away - they simply get “repressed”. Repressed